News list for " hougan"

Bitwise CIO:解决加密货币的证券与商品定义之争或将为市场发展打开闸门

Bitwise Asset Management首席投资官Matt Hougan表示,如果展望未来10年,肯定还会有规模更大的数字资产ETP推出,而这个ETP可能是一个基于指数的产品。 自2024年11月以来,美国出现了大量加密货币ETF申请,这些产品基于Solana、XRP、以及莱特币等加密货币,Matt Hougan补充称,解决加密货币的证券与商品定义之争或将为市场发展打开闸门:“除非我们得...

2025-02-20 05:28:17
Bitwise Chief Investment Officer: This year sees a watershed in bitcoin adoption, with more companies and countries expected to increase their holdings

Matt Hougan, chief investment officer of Bitwise, said in a post that more money will be seen flowing into ETFs this year, and companies, countries, wealth managers, and traditional Financial Institutions Groups will also increase their holdings of bitcoin. Regulators, on the other hand, create productive transparency; the world (geopolitics, monetary policy, etc.) is increasingly in an environment that drives demand for bitcoin. "This will be a watershed year."

2025-02-17 00:41:46

Bitwise 首席投资官 Matt Hougan 于 X 发文表示,今年会看到更多的资金流入ETF,此外,企业、国家、财富管理公司以及传统金融机构也将增持买入比特币。 另一方面,监管机构创造富有成效的透明度;世界(地缘政治、货币政策等)日益处于推动比特币需求的环境中。“这将是一个分水岭之年。”

2025-02-17 00:41:46
Bitwise CIO: In the long run, counterfeit products may bring considerable returns

In a note to clients, Matt Hougan, chief investment officer at Bitwise, said that there is currently an interesting dichotomy between institutional and retail investors in the cryptocurrency space: on the one hand, institutional investor sentiment towards cryptocurrencies is the most optimistic in history, while retail investors are in despair. Investment professionals now see cryptocurrencies as institutional capital...

2025-02-12 20:28:17
Bitwise CIO:长期来看山寨币或将带来可观回报

Bitwise 首席投资官 Matt Hougan 在给客户的报告中表示,目前机构投资者和散户投资者在加密货币领域存在着一种有趣的二分法:一方面,机构投资者对加密货币的情绪是历史上最乐观的,而散户投资者正陷入绝望之中。投资专业人士现在将加密货币视为机构资本...

2025-02-12 20:28:17
Bitwise CIO:Coinbase可能成为一家价值1万亿美元的公司

2月8日消息,Bitwise首席投资官Matt Hougan发推称,Coinbase 可能成为一家价值 1 万亿美元的公司。前政府的监管限制反而为Coinbase建立护城河,使其保持高利润并拓展新业务。如今监管环境缓和,Coinbase正处最佳扩张期,若加密市场持续增长,其有望跻身全球最大金融机构。 CEO Brian Armstrong此前称,Coinbase持有0.42万亿美元客户资产,相当于美国第21大银行或第8大经纪公司。

2025-02-08 10:18:50
Bitwise CIO: Crypto retail investors are currently depressed, but professional investors are extremely optimistic about the market

Matt Hougan, chief investment officer at Bitwise, said there is a sharp divergence in sentiment between professional investors and retail investors in the crypto market. Retail sentiment is at its lowest level in years, while professional investors are extremely bullish on the market. The Crypto Fear and Greed Index fell 25 points to 44 (fear) from 69 (greed) last month, according to the index. Bloomberg ETF analyst James Seyffart pointed out that this is because retail investors hold a large nu...

2025-02-08 03:52:07
Bitwise CIO:目前加密散户情绪低迷,但专业投资者却极度看好市场

Bitwise首席投资官Matt Hougan表示,目前加密市场专业投资者与散户投资者的情绪出现巨大分歧。散户情绪处于多年来的最低水平,而专业投资者则极度看好市场。加密恐惧与贪婪指数显示,该指数从上月的69(贪婪)下跌25点至44(恐惧)。 Bloomberg ETF分析师James Seyffart指出,这是因为散户持有大量下跌严重的山寨币和迷因币。数据显示,市值前三大迷因币近7天跌幅均超过20%,其中Pepe下跌35.31%,S...

2025-02-08 03:52:07
Bitwise CEO:监管机构今年可能会批准五种现货ETF

Bitwise 首席执行官 Matt Hougan 表示,监管机构今年可能会批准多达五种不同数字资产的现货 ETF。然而,为了实现这一目标,他表示 SEC 需要跨越监管“卢比孔河”。

2025-02-02 20:27:55

Bitwise投资总监马特-侯根(Matt Hougan)表示,加密货币不会 “完全克服 ”四年周期,但他表示,市场回调将比以前 “更短、更浅”。美国总统唐纳德-特朗普最近颁布的加密货币行政令可能会打破加密货币市场在过去十年中经历的四年繁荣和萧条周期。 侯根在1月29...

2025-01-30 03:02:15
Bitwise CIO: New Deal for Crypto Regulation Under David Sacks Will Significantly Reduce Fraud and Bad Behavior in the Industry

Matt Hougan, chief investment officer of Bitwise, said in a post that fraud and bad actors in the crypto industry will decrease significantly in the next four years as David Sacks, the AI and cryptocurrency "czar" appointed by Trump, pushes forward with sound regulatory policies. Hougan believes that the previous law enforcement-oriented regulatory approach has instead increased investor risk. Previously, Sacks said that the Digital Asset Working Group will work to develop market structure norms...

2025-01-24 02:35:06
Bitwise CIO:David Sacks 领导下加密监管新政将大幅减少行业内的欺诈和不良行为

Bitwise 首席投资官 Matt Hougan 发文表示,随着特朗普任命的 AI 与加密货币“沙皇” David Sacks 推进合理监管政策,未来四年加密行业的欺诈和不良行为者将显著减少。Hougan 认为,此前以执法为导向的监管方式反而增加了投资者风险。 此前,Sacks 表示数字资产工作组将致力于制定市场结构规范、稳定币监管框架,并评估国家数字资产储备。

2025-01-24 02:35:06
Bitwise CIO: US plan to build a strategic bitcoin reserve has not yet been priced by the market

Matt Hougan, chief investment officer at Bitwise, said in a social media post that "the U.S. plan to build a strategic reserve of bitcoin has not been priced by the market. It's not even close."

2025-01-20 15:18:40
Bitwise CIO:美国建立比特币战略储备的计划尚未被市场定价

Bitwise 首席投资官 Matt Hougan 在社交媒体发文表示,“美国建立比特币战略储备的计划尚未被市场定价。甚至还差得很远。”

2025-01-20 15:18:40
Bitwise Chief Investment Officer Comments on Czech Strategic Bitcoin Reserve Plan: The Domino Effect Begins

Matt Hougan, chief investment officer (CIO) of Bitwise, responded to news of the Czech Republic's strategic bitcoin reserve plan. Hougan had previously predicted a significant increase in bitcoin adoption this year, noting that "the dominoes are starting to fall". Yesterday, the president of the Czech National Bank (CNB), AlešMichl, said that bitcoin is being considered as part of the diversification of foreign exchange reserves. However, at present, CNB has no plans to buy crypto assets immedi...

2025-01-08 03:39:10